Thursday, March 27, 2008

How can I use technology to support my instructional practice?

  • Incorporate framing questions that include the use of pictures or short video clips.
  • Create captivating power point presentations to egnite interest for usually dull topics
  • Have the students use blogs or message boards to encourage discussion over the topic
  • Let the students use the internet to research information regarding the course topic
  • Have the students create presentations/websites/or other media to display the knowledge that they have obtained

How can I facilitate a student-centered classroom?

by incorporating framing questions into every instructional topic, not just those that use project based learning. Doing this will also introduce the students to this kind of learning, preparing them for project based learning.
When using project based learning, I will make sure to incorporate appropriate facilitating materials in a number of different media to spawn new perspectives in the students and to keep them on track.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

How can I support the diverse needs of learners?

This is a question that was hard for me to answer, since I am new to accommodating even the "normal" learners. But after talking with another teacher, I know that for the special needs students, I will just need to focalize the information for them, and maybe give them a presentation template for them to "fill out". For the gifted and talented students, I can teach them advanced multimedia effects to add to their presentation or have them include another topic of information. The ELL students I seem to have the hardest time accommodating. I guess I would conference with the ESL teacher for her opinions about what I could do.

How can I help my students become self-directed learners?

Give them various tools such as checklists, forms, and time lines so they know what is expected and when it is expected. This is something that the students will have to grow accustomed to. The first time that they are introduced to self-directed learning, they will need a lot of guidance and patience by the teacher.

How do I involve students in the assessment process?

The students are responsible for a self assessment and a peer assessment regarding the interaction, involvement, and teamwork of the groups performance.
They also participate in a teacher interview to gauge the progress of their work. The students are also given the rubric and scoring guide so that they know what is expected from the finished work.

How do I assess student learning?

I use various assessment tools such as K-W-L charts, checklists, interviews, rubrics, student self and peer evaluations and a final summative exam.

How can I ensure students will achieve the learning objectives when creating their student projects?

Providing them a rubric at the beginning, outlining what is expected of them. Giving them a check list of the steps that they need to complete for the project. Not to mention, assess, assess, assess....