Thursday, March 27, 2008

How can I use technology to support my instructional practice?

  • Incorporate framing questions that include the use of pictures or short video clips.
  • Create captivating power point presentations to egnite interest for usually dull topics
  • Have the students use blogs or message boards to encourage discussion over the topic
  • Let the students use the internet to research information regarding the course topic
  • Have the students create presentations/websites/or other media to display the knowledge that they have obtained

How can I facilitate a student-centered classroom?

by incorporating framing questions into every instructional topic, not just those that use project based learning. Doing this will also introduce the students to this kind of learning, preparing them for project based learning.
When using project based learning, I will make sure to incorporate appropriate facilitating materials in a number of different media to spawn new perspectives in the students and to keep them on track.